Changing Mindsets
While I have not (yet) met any Christians who experience the reborning experience without pain, most of us come to the saving knowledge of Jesus Christ through a life experience that almost drives us to the point of fracture. Carmen's jots below shows some of the examples which are very real in our life walk.In the book Purpose Driven Life written Rick Warren, he mentioned that out of the most tormenting experiences will birth the most powerful ministries. Cause God causes all things to work for good for those who love him and are called according to His purposes (Romans 8:28). Having said Romans 8:28, so why do we sometimes fail to capitalize on our experiences for God's glory? The environment that sometime causes people to just seemingly react waywardly, is an overpowering sense of helplessness in the face of life's adversities. It can induce a 2-prong outcome, one resulting in a behaviour which constantly lashes out at opportune time (what I call the bitter-bitter syndrome), the other an almost-too-willing-to-retreat response (what I call once-bitten-twice-shy-three-times-sure-die disorder). So, instead of what could seemingly unfold a magical story has pathetically spiralled in a badly written plot, as described by the 2 syndromes above.
We first need to learn how to think, react and pro-act differently. Sounds cliche, but it echoes in many secular self-help seminars in the market. Really, there is no reasons for us born-again Christians to learn how to think, react and pro-act differently. For Christ's sake (unlike pagans, no pun intended, I mean this for real), we have our Lord God with insurmountable and infinite resource of wisdom for us to tap into! (I'm hearing a hallelujah in a cresendo). There are numerous Proverb verses that can be quoted here about wisdom, but I'll leave it as a homework to all of you. By aligning to the pulse of the Holy Spirit, start challenging the mindset and changing the way we do things will result in the unfolding life's richness and abundance in the Lord. ...but be ye transformed by the renewing of your mind, that ye may prove what is good, and acceptable, and perfect will of God (Romans 12:2). What could be more powerful than forging the alliance with the Holy Spirit?
Jesus' life is a testimony on how He was truly different in His thoughts and actions :
1) His seemingly comprehension of the word as a boy at the temple (Mark 2:41-50)
2) His reactions towards the devil's temptation in the dessert (Mark 4 :1-13)
3) His messages, ministries and miracles (articulated in all the 4 gospels)
4) His pro-action towards the cross (Matthew 26:39)
Some are in serious delay for a major reality-check overhaul spiritually. A simultaneous combination of reengineering of what's in between the ears and a thorough makeover of the heart is necessary to re-track the obedient walk with God, which unlocks life in its full abundance. God, in all His Glory, is in a business of re-inventing mindsets and rejuvenation of the heart to be more like His Son. But only if you invite Him to be your Senior Partner and CEO of YourLife Inc.
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