Thursday, November 02, 2006

Mid-week Musings : Know the truth, and it shall set you free

It is to him who masters our minds by the force of truth, and not to those who enslave them by violence, that we owe our reverance.
I can't help but reforwarding this previous article that I wrote 4 weeks ago when I came across Voltaire's quote today. In his book Letters on the English, Voltaire relates that during his stay in Engalnd, in 1726, he overheard some learned men discussing the question : who was the greatest man - Caesar, Alexander, Tamerlane or Cromwell? One speaker maintained that Sir Isaac Newton was beyond a doubt the greatest man. Voltaire agreed to this judgement with the quote above.

I am not sure whether Voltaire was completely convinced that Sir Isaac Newton was the greatest man who ever lived or was simply making a philosophical point. But the anecdote is so true, as if complementing John 8:32. We truly owe our reverance to Jesus Christ, who is the Revealer of the Kingdom Truth.
A couple of weeks ago, a brother requested that I share some of the reading materials which I've been reading lately. Well, here it is :
1. Your Work Matters to God (Doug Sherman)
2. Second Choice (Viv Thomas). Oh yeah, read this together with the Book of Daniel. It gives marvelous insightful depiction of what it means to be a servant of God in a secular world. Very relevant, very enlightening.
3. What is So Amazing About Grace (Philip Yancey)
4. Developing the Leader in You (John C. Maxwell)
5. God is My CEO (can't remember who the author is).


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