Wednesday, December 28, 2005

Relationship with God

It's been over a week since I returned from London. One of the few things which I searched for after touched down was chilli sauce. No chilli sauce in London. Makes the food taste so much better. Nevertheless, it was a good 1-month trip to Shell Centre. Plenty of learning and resolved a lot of project issues. Some of the things I will miss London for are the tiramisu (it is so good, so pardon me if I say it is bloody good) in the cafe outside my office, the Phantom of the Opera and the beer selection at Belgo's in Leicester Square.

On one of the Sundays in London, I attended Christ Church in Aldgate East. Michael Ross-Watson was the speaker, and spoke on Zechariah 7. What captures me the most was his message about relationship with God in Zechariah 7:4-7 :

4Then the word of the Lord Almighty came to me : 5"Ask all the people of the land and the priests, 'When you fasted and mourned in the fifth and seventh months for the past seventy years, was it really for me that you fasted? 6And when you were eating and drinking, were you not just feasting for yourselves? 7Are these not the words the Lord proclaimed through the earlier prophets when Kerusale and its surrounding towns were at rest and properous, and the Negev and the western foothills were settle?' "
Christianity is not just another religion. It is not hollow rituals and traditions, neither is it a charismatic speaker behind the pulpit with powerful influencing skills. Pastor Michael shared with us an episode of one of his earlier days preaching. He was at a church one cold winter evening. He was waiting outside a closed church door after waiting for 20 minutes pass the original service start time. As he was about ready to leave, he thought he might just knock on the door just for a final sanity check. To his surprise there were 2 elderly people in this church who enquired whether he was the preacher. The church inside was of magnificent architecture (as with many other old churches in England). Since there were only 3 of them, Michael suggested that they have a fellowship instead. However, they insisted that they must have a service. Quite oddly, they followed the each and every ritual step for singing hyms, collecting offering, taking the communion etc, even though there were just the 3 of them!
Of course it is laughable to many of us when he shared the story. But the underlying truth remains that in many areas of church life, hollow yet pompous rituals and traditions are being pursued. Also alternately, the opposite end of the spectrum also holds true. In the more charismatic setting, upbeat music and preachers with rich verbal charisma are another form of danger that is taking centre-strage, thus eroding the focus on Christ.
Matt Redman spoke about a beautiful story of restoration of his relationship with Christ when he wrote The Heart of Worship :I'll bring you more than a song,For a song in itself it's not what You have requiredYou search much deeper within, Though the way things appear,You're looking into my heart,I'm coming back to the heart of worship,It's all about You Jesus,I'm sorry Lord for the thing I've made it,When it's all about You Jesus.
Christianity is not just another religion. It is about God's love for us when He sent His only Son to save us. It is about savouring the father heart of God. It is acknowledging His sacrifice for us. It is about worshipping Him from the depths of our heart. It is about loving His people around us. It is about being in His loving Presence forever and ever. That is the essence of Christianity.


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